Friday, July 19, 2024

My new series now on Wattpad

 For the past year I decided I wanted to focus on developing my writing skills and now have started a new series. I also decided I would start uploading the series on Wattpad to see how that would work out.

The Shroomkid Mage: Gonbee's Adventure

Check out my new series here,

 A boy from the forever child race of Shroomkids leaves the mysterious Mushroom Forest to begin a tale of magic and adventure. Gonbee, a student of the legendary mage Moonwalker, joins the renowned adventurers guild meeting new friends and allies along the way.

But the path to mastery is fraught with challenges. As Gonbee ventures into a world foreign to his home, he encounters fearsome creatures, ancient secrets, and powerful magic that test his courage and resilience. Can a shy child who knows little of the world rise to the same level of a legendary mage, or will the world prove too harsh for him to handle?

Join Gonbee on an enchanting adventure filled with magic, friendship, and the power of mushrooms as he discovers what the world has in store for him in "The Shroomkid Mage: Gonbee's Adventure."

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Cat Princess The Free Adventurer - Chapter 1 Escape

Cat Princess The Free Adventurer

Chapter 1 Escape

    Once upon a time in a land full of dreams and adventure, lived a young Princess who just wanted to be free. Free from her classes of etiquette and grammar, the lessons on politics and ruling. She had wanted to escape and now is the time for Princess Koneko (KO-NEH-KO) of the cat people kind.

    The Princess had lived in a castle school that was filled with the children of the nobles of the land.  With so many kids of her own age, why are there no friends for her in this place? They would try to get close but not for her, they thought only of themselves and on how to gain more power.

    The Nobles of the kingdom were corrupt to no end, stealing and killing from the commoners to no end. Those that defy a noble’s command are punished and enslaved by an evil magic brand. Some try to flee from this unjust land, but most get caught and executed by royal command. It didn’t end there, oh no it did not, for the criminal's family would also be beaten.

    Princess Koneko didn’t like all this bad, but the classes all taught that was best for the land. So the Princess concocted a very simple plan, to tie bed sheets together and out the window she ran. She landed in the castle garden but not free just yet, the outer wall was too tall to get over.

    In the corner of the garden the Princess had a secret, under a large rock was a tunnel she had been digging. Through the tunnel the small girl crawled through getting dirty, picking up a few bags of supplies she had stolen.

    On the other side of the tunnel Princess Koneko emerged by a river that flowed from the West to the East. Opening one of the bags she had brought from the tunnel, she then equipped a set of light leather armor as well as a pair of twin daggers. Another bag was full of some coin 10 Silver and 5 Gold she had hoped would be enough.

    Princess Koneko had to move fast. She followed the river East into the Nipper Woods, a place of small passages too big for an adult cat. Being careful to avoid the Nipper Plants and their bites Koneko made her way further.

    Coming into a clearing Koneko encountered her first monster, a small Nipper Mon.

Nipper Mons are small plant monsters related to the Nipper Plant. It’s head and body is made up of vines with 2 glowing blue dots for eyes, it’s arms as basically just two nipper plants. The creature has two legs but they act more like the tails of snakes allowing the creature to slither along.

    Koneko was ready, the monster wasn't strong, she leaped forward and slashed at the Nipper Mon.

    Nipper Mon took 4 damage.

    Nipper Mon attacks with a biting punch.

    Koneko took 1 damage.

    Koneko slashed again.

    Nipper Mon took 4 damage. Nipper Mon was defeated and dropped 2 vines.

    Princess Koneko Wins.

    As the battle ended the sun started to rise, Koneko was now hungry and tired from the night she had. The Princess decided it was now time to rest and relax, she pulled from her pockets a small morning snack.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

AUDIO VERSION - My Little Sister Is Queen Of Another World - Chapter 1 - Sorrow

Here is an audio version of the first chapter of my story My Little Sister Is Queen Of Another World - Chapter 1 - Sorrow

 If you prefer to read the story instead of listening to it CLICK HERE
There may be a few differences between the audio version and the written one.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

My Little Sister Is Queen Of Another World - Chapter 1 - Sorrow

It's been 2 years since my little sister went missing, not only is today the day she went missing it would also be her 11 birthday, Everyday I blame myself for her disappearance, as her older brother I should have been more attentive. These are the thoughts I have as I walk down the dark streets with a bag of groceries in my hand.
"You're going to catch a cold like that." I stop and look over my shoulder to see my childhood friend Tomoko. She was only one centimeters shorter than me with long black hair that she had in a braid down to her elbows. She was holding an umbrella putting it above the both of us. "Still thinking of your little sis?"
"I didn't know it started raining." I replied as I avoided eye contact.
"good thing I was out shopping too," she said with a smile presenting her own bag of groceries. "I've been calling out to you for a while now, are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine," I said looking away trying to hide my depression from her. "Besides we're both going to start High School next week, why would I not be fine."
"You now why," she said trying hard not to agitate me further and hugs me gently, for some reason she could always tell what I'm feeling and even somehow knows what it is she can do to help.
We both remain silent and motionless for a minute before she speaks up, "It's a good thing we live close to each other, I'll let you stay under my umbrella till we get home." She says with a smile and the two of us start walking back home together in the dark and cold night.

I Can't Draw So I'll Write

I've always wanted to create my own series in either an animation or comic format yet could never get into drawing to do such a thing. Recently I've been trying to bite the bullet and change things, while I have considered writing and have done some minor stories in the past, I have never given writing a fair chance.

As for my plans of this site I have a story in mind already for what I want to write and though I would love it to have drawings to go with it I can not draw, I could do some traces but those never excite me as I can't call those mine, maybe someday I could hire someone to draw pictures for this site but that would be in the future.

Anyways, please stay tuned to this site (currently using blogger since it's free) for stories mostly consisting of my own original character Hoshiko (image of my character below is made by tracing another and modifying it)

anime loli chibi girl cute moe kawaii schoolgirl
Very old image I made years back of my original character Hoshiko made to give people an idea of how she looks.